Yes, that is me.

Layman: A person without professional or specialized knowledge in a particular subject (Definitions from Oxford Languages).

Which subject am I referring to?

Basically, all the subjects which I will be covering in this blog – ranging from life, personal development, human behavior, money, and other stuff which I find interesting. I’m by no means an expert on any of these fields – just a layman, writing for other laymen/non-laymen out there who find these topics interesting.

Some people say – “when writing a blog, you should find your niche, and have a set of target audiences”. I find this to be quite limiting. There are so many interesting ideas in the world that are worth talking about, and I’m about to explore them bit by bit.

The Layman’s Background

I’m an engineer by trade, and most of the writing I do on normal workdays are:

  1. Emails.
  2. Procedures write-ups (in straight-to-the-point wordings and easy-to-understand formats).
  3. Reports (mostly figures and progress measurements).

Not very exciting stuff and nothing fancy I know. That being said, it shouldn’t stop me from starting out.

β€œThe secret to getting ahead is getting started.”

― Mark Twain

The Layman’s motivation

What motivates me to start this blogging journey is – I want to create something of my own. To build an archive of my thoughts and opinions of the subjects of interest, and share it with those who in any way find it useful. If each post can benefit even a single reader out there in this highly complex world, I will consider that a win for myself.

In this day and age of modern technological advancement, where we have so many distractions in our daily lives, attention becomes a highly sought-after commodity. I hope my writing will be engaging enough to grab yours.

Happy reading!

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